The Saltby Open Contest - 2014

CD's Report
In composing this Contest Director’s report I am reminded of a scene from a Frankie Howerd movie, in which he played the part of a weather forecaster:


“Good evening. This is the BBC weather forecast for England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, for 24 hours from today at 7.0’clock Monday 1 April until tomorrow Tuesday 2 April at 7.0’clock.

That is the end of the BBC weather forecast.”

Of the Saltby Open Glider Aerobatic Contest at Buckminster Gliding Club near Grantham in Lincolnshire, what more can I say? BR was there ALL Friday and Saturday, disappeared on Sunday morning, but then within an hour and two launches re-manifested itself as low cloud. By then pilots and crew were becoming increasingly disenchanted, such that the consensus favoured an abandonment of the contest at 1320.
However all was not lost, for Charles Baker proposed the event be converted into a training session, to which the judges agreed, so lists were drawn and performances assessed with no competitive element. Thus The Saltby Trophy was not awarded but kept in its clubhouse for safekeeping and use at a later date.
One minor advantage of such non-flyable events is that it provides much opportunity for discussion. My own subject is the recruitment of personnel to man aerobatic events, particularly judges and their aides. I gently raised this with some glider folk, on the lines that there seem to be an imbalance between power and glider volunteers. The explanation suggested was that glider people did not know there was a requirement for volunteers, and the reason for that was that few if any subscribed to the BAeA Exploder, which is renowned as a wealth of valuable aerobatic info. As a result Chris Cain (for gliding) and Nick Buckenham (for power) conversed extensively, and I was assured that the outcome will be that aero glider pilots will be encouraged to monitor the BAeA Exploder (and vice versa) which will enable them to volunteer to assist at power comps as well as provide more experienced operational crew for glider contests. Significantly, as a result of this initiative, a glider pilot volunteered to assist at Elvington for our final event next weekend.
Finally grateful appreciation must go to the many who contributed to the Saltby (non-) event; truly too numerous to mention, but traditionally special mention is made of the Chief Judge, Alan Cassidy and his acolytes, to Scorer Cindy Cain Copsey, who made a quite extraordinary effort to achieve what she did over the weekend, to Tim Beasley as Airfield Manager, to all the volunteer helpers at Saltby, and of course to the infinitely patient pilots: together they donated to me a small gift, which I hardly deserved (having done nothing!), but did appreciate. I appreciated too my first glider flight, for which unique thanks to Charles Baker.



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