Enter the Dan Smith Memorial Trophy, 2025
Guidance & advice for competing in a contest
Over many years, British Aerobatics has achieved an enviable reputation for the efficient and safe organisation of aerobatic contests. We organize events for all levels of experience, from beginner to expert. Have a look on our JustGo page and see what events appeal to you. If you are interested in finding out more about the sport, or would like to attend an event either as a volunteer or a pilot, please contact us for more information (contests@aerobatics.org.uk or use the contact page on this website).
Starting Out - Get Into Aeros and Club events
Aspiring aerobatic pilots new to this sport will find our Get Into Aeros or Club events ideal to get a first taste of competition, in a safe, low pressure environment. For these events we usually organise a small number of two-seat aerobatic aeroplanes, with an instructor, to be available for hire, so that you can participate easily. The format of the event allows you a practice session and then a sequence flown in front of a judge. These are extremely popular days, so book your space early.
Contests for more experienced pilots
There are four classes of competition, of increasing levels of difficulty: Sports, Intermediate, Advanced and Unlimited. We run competitions during each year that allow pilots to compete at all of these levels. This allows pilots to develop their aerobatic skills and progress through the levels from year to year.
Entering a contest
If you are considering entering a contest, there are a number of things you need to do before you can compete. You will need appropriate training, the right pilot licencing and access to an aerobatic airplane. If this is your first time entering a contest, it's best to talk to us and we will brief you on what is needed. Use the Contact form to give us your details.
Entries for all British Aerobatics contests must include the information specified plus the appropriate entry fee. Contest entries can be made via the JustGo system accessed through your online Membership or the online Events Calendar.
All of the following documents must be uploaded to your online membership ad approved by the Management team before you can enter a contest.
- PPL/LAPL or equivalent Pilot licence
- Fight Evaluation form at the appropriate level - signed by a current Flight Evaluator
- [Glider only] Certificate of Currency / logbook
- Medical Certificate or Self declaration
- Aircraft ARC or Permit to Fly
- Aircraft Insurance Certificate - to include 'British Aerobatic Association Ltd' as a named party