Get Into Aeros, 2024 results

Contest Director's Report

Get Into Aeros (GIA) returned eight years after the first event but this time at a new host airfield for British Aerobatics (BA); Popham. Whilst the venue may have been different, the tried-and-tested GIA formula was largely unchanged, this year comprising: two flights (the first - a training flight away from the airfield, and the second - a box flight); demo sequences of all contest levels with commentary; a workshop on what to do next hosted by Brian McCartney; judge shadowing with Chief Judge Brian Gleave; chats with aerobatic legend Nigel Lamb and current Unlimited Champion Chris Brook; and of course, a delicious BBQ prepared by Lisa and her catering team!

This year we welcomed 16 pilots chosen from a pool of almost 50 applications – it was reassuring to know that grass-roots interest in our sport is still there, but it was extremely difficult having to reject applications when everyone had applied because they were keen to take their first steps into competition aerobatics. Most pilots attending had little to no aerobatic experience, so it was a tall order for them to learn the Club sequence and then fly it in a competition box in front of judges, but I had no doubt given the calibre of applications that we would be treated to some impressive aerobatic flying. 

In the days approaching the event, the excellent weather forecast added to everyone’s excitement, and the amazing aurora borealis display on Friday evening was a welcome surprise to mark the start of the weekend.

We began proceedings on Saturday in the well-equipped Popham Conference Room (an excellent base we used for the whole weekend), introducing the pilots to BA, the Club sequence, as well as it being the main safety briefing for the instructors. Shortly thereafter, Ruth showed us the Club sequence in the box in her One Design and then the pilots began their training flights. There was a schedule with minute granularity, which was obviously only going to be a guide, but the pre-event briefing with the instructors seemed to work and we managed to stay on schedule, if not ahead, for most of the day! It was amazing to see the smiles on everyone’s faces after they landed, and it certainly made all of the hard work that had gone into preparing the weekend worth it. To round off the flying day, we were able to watch Sports, Intermediate and Advanced sequences in the box flown by Charlie Coode, Ruth Scott and David Nichols, respectively, with instructor Julian Murfitt on the mic for insightful commentary. I should note that over the course of the weekend there were a number of amazing visiting aerobatic aircraft, including a One Design, Gamebird GB1, Cap 232 and Extra 330SC, to name a few (and of course their pilots too!) – we are grateful that the participants were able to see these amazing aircraft up close.

A fantastic day was rounded off with a delicious BBQ prepared by Lisa and her catering team who run the Popham café; the perfect food to replenish all of the vitamin G lost and to decompress after a busy (and hot) day.

It would not be a normal British aerobatic competition weekend without some meteorological challenges, and it was becoming clear on Saturday that there was the possibility of heavy rain and thunderstorms on Sunday afternoon as a trough from the southwest progressed north easterly. Trusting that the easterly wind would keep its progress at bay, and believing the most optimistic forecast, I was confident that we would be able to get the 16 box flights completed and aircraft safely back at their destinations before the bad weather hit. 

Given how much fun everyone had on Saturday, it was no surprise that everyone turned up for an 08:30 briefing on Sunday, ready and keen to fly in the box. We got underway expeditiously, and for most, it was the first time flying in the box. All participants flew brilliantly and should be proud of their performance. When not flying, participants had the opportunity to meet aerobatic legend and long-time Get Into Aeros supporter Nigel Lamb and current Unlimited champion Chris Brook; I have no doubt that these discussions were inspiring and informative.

We closed proceedings with Nigel Lamb awarding the top 3 placed pilots their medals and an Unlimited sequence demo flown by David Nichols - an apt end to a wonderful weekend that hopefully inspired all.

Special thanks for their hard-work across the course of the weekend must go to the instructors – Julian, Tom, Paul, Das, Rob and Tony – who managed the daunting task of taking the participants from limited or no aerobatic experience to flying a sequence in the box safely and competently. Bravo!

There is a long list of people to thank that helped to make GIA such a success this year, including members of the BA management team, directors, volunteers and pilots. I must specifically thank Popham Airfield Manager Mike and his team for being such wonderful hosts and Philip Meeson (a former British Aerobatic Team member and generous benefactor to the association) for his incredible generosity that enables us to offer such subsidised aerobatic flying to GIA participants.

Lastly, I just wanted to say to the 16 newest British Aerobatics pilots – thank you for showing an interest in our wonderful sport and showing us what progression looks like! All of the BA Management Team and current members hope that you stay in touch, continue your aerobatic training and take part in your next competition soon!

Jamie Williams

20th May, 2024