We suggest that you start with the Aresti system description from the list below, and work through each topic in a logical order.
- BAeA's annual Judging Seminars
- Why do we Judge?
- How does Judging work?
- BAeA competition classes or levels
- The Aresti 'aerobatic diagram' system
- The CIVA Catalogue families
- The Aerobatic Performance Zone, or 'Box'
- Fundamental criteria 1 - the 'Centre of Gravity Track'
- Fundamental criteria 2 - the 'Zero Lift Axis' (three pages)
- Marking the figures - the basic Rules (two pages)
- Turns
- Rolling Circles
- Slow Rolls
- Flick or Snap Rolls
- Spins
- Loops and Eights (two pages)
- Radii in Looping Segments
- Stall Turns (two pages)
- Tail Slides
- Humpty Bumps
- Direction of Flight
- Wing-rocks - the sequence start, end, and "breaks" - changed for 2017
- Preparing for the arithmetic, and making comments
- The Positioning or Framing mark
- Handling the major errors, "Hard" and "Perception" Zeros
- Judging a BAeA power 'Club' sequence
- Judging downgrades summary
- An example Judging Sheet
- Some plain common sense
- Results processing and the FairPlay System
- International and National organisation
- Reference Documents you may find useful
- Further Information - website addresses, contacts etc.
On the sequences page you'll find the current BAeA "Known", "Free Known" and other useful sequence material.