2022 Champions!

Created on the

Updated 13th October

Results and CD report - here

Report online in Flyer - here

What a way to finish the 2022 season! 

Twelve Advanced and Unlimited pilots gathered at Sleap airfield in Shropshire for our unusually late-in-the-year Senior National Championships. Along with a team of judges and officials they waited patiently for the wind and rain to abate and we were all rewarded with a fabulous display of top quality flying and on the Sunday some well honed wind positioning skills. We were also really pleased to welcome Lithuanian competitor Igoris Lobanovas accompanied by his coach Eltonas Meleckis, with a well deserved Bronze medal at Advanced heading towards the Baltics. Given that the Advanced Silver medal went to our resident Polish instructor and current Intermediate World Champion Maciej Kulaszewski, it was a truly international event.

This year's Advanced champion is David Thomson and the Neil Williams Trophy for top Unlimited pilot goes to the inimitable Mr Tom Cassells. Well done David and TC!

Results and pics will be uploaded in the next few days, along with the CD's report. We'll add a link when they are. 

Thanks for all your support this year and we look forward to another successful year in 2023.

Steve Todd
