Rules & Documents


British Aerobatics General Rules 2025-1.pdf

This set of rules covers every aspect of the operation of our aerobatic contests and events. All pilots and contest officials who intend to compete in or work at a British Aerobatics event should download and read these rules, and be familiar with all aspects that may affect them prior to and during the event itself.

British Aerobatics Operations Manual 2025-1.pdf

A manual describing the way that we expect all contest jobs to be managed, together with the our procedural and policy guidelines relating to both the contest arena and British Aerobatics general management. This document is essential reading if you are engaged in any aspect of running British Aerobatics events or our general management.

British Aerobatics Points Trophy Rules 2025.pdf

Rules for both Power and Glider points table trophies

Contest Director Guidance Notes

A short introduction to the duties and responsibilities of a British Aerobatics Contest Director (CD).

Chief Judge Guidance Notes

All Chief Judges (CJ) working at British Aerobatics contests and events should keep a copy of this informative guide to their responsibilities.

British Aerobatics Sequence Design Guidelines 2025.pdf

Guidance for designers, pilots and judges on Known and Unknown sequence design.

The Aresti Catalogue (Condensed)

The foundation resource for Aresti power and glider figures, these catalogues are available only from the Spanish publishers.

Ethical Policies

The statements and policy documents set forth in these and other linked pages support and explain the BAeA's commitment toward the ethical treatment of it's members and those who come into contact with us.

If any member requires advice or further information on any of the above, they should in the first instance direct their enquiry to the Chairman or Head of Competition


The Association will reimburse expenses incurred by contest officials as defined by BAeA Rules section 2.17 provided they hold current membership. Claimants must use the expense form below (right-click and Save Link As ... to download and use the pdf):

Committee AGM

Advanced Training Scheme

(please check back for the next application window)

Below are minutes of the British Aerobatic Association Limited (BAAL) annual general meetings.